Vale do Pati – Vila do Guiné – De 3 a 5 dias
Um meio ambiente repleto de rios e cachoeiras único no Brasil numa área preservada e somente acessível a pé.
As florestas primarias repletas de orquídeas e bromélias, os altiplanos que deixam o viajante entrar em comunião com a natureza.
O contato com os povos nativos que sabem receber com carinho e fartura o visitante.
O trekking do Vale do Pati exige uma boa condição física com 7 a 8 horas de caminhada por dia assim como o material adequado (ver lista a seguir) O itinerário pode ser modificado em função das condições meteorológicas. Inicio da caminhada no Vale do Capão. A participação ao trekking passa por uma avaliação com o guia na véspera na qual são abordados todos os aspectos do roteiro e contratação do seguro. Sua bagagem poderá ficar na agência.
Dia 01
Vale do Capão + Altiplanos do Vieira + Vale do Pati
6h – 7h de caminhada
600 metros de desnível
Saída às 08hs de carro da agência até a vila do Bomba, início da trilha do Pati. A trilha sobe por uma bela floresta até alcançar o córrego da galinha onde se avista toda a extensão do Vale do Capão. Atravessamos em seguida os Gerais do Vieira, grandes extensões planas percorridos por vários rios com cachoeiras. Estes altiplanos foram usados como pasto durante décadas. A administração do parque determinou no ano de 2000 a expulsão do gado como garantia da preservação efetiva da área Lanche e banho na Cachoeira dos Cristais onde um antigo rancho oferece abrigo em caso de chuva (na Bahia chove também!). Seguimos pela trilha dos tropeiros, lindo visual sobre o conjunto da serra do Sincorá. Temos aqui uma linda vegetação de campo rupestre, plantas insetívoras, orquídeas e sempre-viva (Paepalanthus). Podemos ver o Gavião pé de Serra e com muita sorte o urubu rei que frequenta as alturas. Alojamento em casa de nativos no Pati de cima , quartos e banheiros coletivos. Camas com lençóis e cobertores, toalha de banho.
Dia 02
Vale do Pati + Cachoeira dos Funis + Prefeitura
4h – 5h de caminhada
Depois do café da manhã bem caprichado com produtos da roça, vamos pela floresta densa num percurso de uma hora e meia até a Cachoeira dos Funis. O conjunto de duas quedas d´água impressiona, rodeado de matas primitivas. Seguimos o roteiro vale abaixo até alcançar a antiga prefeitura do Pati na beira do rio. O imóvel restaurado oferece belo visual sobre as falésias do morro dos Dedos. Várias casas de nativos se espalham nos arredores. Aproveitamos para visitar o Poço da Árvore, bela piscina natural e cachoeira no meio da mata. Jantar e segunda noite
Dia 03
Prefeitura + Gerais do Rio Preto + Colo do Beco + Vila de Guiné
Com a finalidade de ter um roteiro mais leve nossa trilha de retorno vai em direção a vila de Guiné, na parte oeste do Parque Nacional. Atravessamos toda a extensão dos Gerais do Rio Preto com parada para lanche na beira do rio. O colo do Beco oferece um panorama excepcional sobre a planície que separa as duas cordilheiras com a serra do Barbado no extremo oeste. Chegando embaixo da ladeira calçada de pedras pegaremos um carro para voltar no Capão.
Dia opcional
Cachoeirão por cima
5h – 6h de caminhada
500 metros de desnível
Trilha de dificuldade média
Saímos da nossa hospedagem logo depois do café caprichado e pegamos a trilha em direção aos gerais do rio Preto. Subida forte de pouco mais de uma hora e meia para alcançar a bela paisagem da serra do Sincorà. A cidade de Mucugê fica naquele momento a dois dias de caminhada em direção ao sul ! mas nosso roteiro pega outro rumo, direção o vale do Cachoeirão passando por campos rupestres e densas florestas. O paredão de 200 metros onde chegamos oferece um visual magnifico até a subida do Império, podemos deliciar-nos de toda a extensão do vale do Cachoeirão e fazer um lanche na toca , pensando nos garimpeiros que ficaram por aqui no século passado. As quedas d’água dependem da chuva assim que é possível encontrar dezenas de cachoeiras ou somente uma ou duas. Voltamos a nossa hospedagem pelo mesmo caminho, chegando as 17h00 para um descanso merecido.
Dia opcional
Castelo do Pati
5 a 6 horas de caminhada
Desnível de 600 metros
Trilha difícil
Saímos da nossa hospedagem logo depois do café caprichado e pegamos a trilha em direção aos gerais do rio Preto. Subida forte de pouco mais de uma hora e meia para alcançar a bela paisagem da serra do Sincorà. A cidade de Mucugê fica naquele momento a dois dias de caminhada em direção ao sul ! mas nosso roteiro pega outro rumo, direção o vale do Cachoeirão passando por campos rupestres e densas florestas. O paredão de 200 metros onde chegamos oferece um visual magnifico até a subida do Império, podemos deliciar-nos de toda a extensão do vale do Cachoeirão e fazer um lanche na toca , pensando nos garimpeiros que ficaram por aqui no século passado. As quedas d’água dependem da chuva assim que é possível encontrar dezenas de cachoeiras ou somente uma ou duas. Voltamos a nossa hospedagem pelo mesmo caminho, chegando as 17h00 para um descanso merecido.
Lista de material para o trekking
Vale do Pati – Trilha do Calixto – De 3 a 5 dias
Um meio ambiente repleto de rios e cachoeiras único no Brasil numa área preservada e somente acessível a pé.
As florestas primarias repletas de orquídeas e bromélias, os altiplanos que deixam o viajante entrar em comunião com a natureza.
O contato com os povos nativos que sabem receber com carinho e fartura o visitante.
Esta trilha oferece a vantagem de ser totalmente incluida dentro do parque sem necessidade de pegar carro e com um preço mais em conta por isso!
O trekking do Vale do Pati exige uma boa condição física com 7 a 8 horas de caminhada por dia assim como o material adequado (ver lista a seguir) O itinerário pode ser modificado em função das condições meteorológicas. Inicio da caminhada no Vale do Capão. A participação ao trekking passa por uma avaliação com o guia na véspera na qual são abordados todos os aspectos do roteiro e contratação do seguro. Sua bagagem poderá ficar na agência.
Dia 01
Vale do Capão + Altiplanos do Vieira + Vale do Pati
6h – 7h de caminhada
600 metros de desnível
Saída às 08hs de carro da agência até a vila do Bomba, início da trilha do Pati. A trilha sobe por uma bela floresta até alcançar o córrego da galinha onde se avista toda a extensão do Vale do Capão. Atravessamos em seguida os Gerais do Vieira, grandes extensões planas percorridos por vários rios com cachoeiras. Estes altiplanos foram usados como pasto durante décadas. A administração do parque determinou no ano de 2000 a expulsão do gado como garantia da preservação efetiva da área Lanche e banho na Cachoeira dos Cristais onde um antigo rancho oferece abrigo em caso de chuva (na Bahia chove também!). Seguimos pela trilha dos tropeiros, lindo visual sobre o conjunto da serra do Sincorá. Temos aqui uma linda vegetação de campo rupestre, plantas insetívoras, orquídeas e sempre-viva (Paepalanthus). Podemos ver o Gavião pé de Serra e com muita sorte o urubu rei que frequenta as alturas. Alojamento em casa de nativos no Pati de cima , quartos e banheiros coletivos. Camas com lençóis e cobertores, toalha de banho.
Dia 02
Vale do Pati + Cachoeira dos Funis + Prefeitura
4h – 5h de caminhada
Depois do café da manhã bem caprichado com produtos da roça, vamos pela floresta densa num percurso de uma hora e meia até a Cachoeira dos Funis. O conjunto de duas quedas d´água impressiona, rodeado de matas primitivas. Seguimos o roteiro vale abaixo até alcançar a antiga prefeitura do Pati na beira do rio. O imóvel restaurado oferece belo visual sobre as falésias do morro dos Dedos. Várias casas de nativos se espalham nos arredores. Aproveitamos para visitar o Poço da Árvore, bela piscina natural e cachoeira no meio da mata. Jantar e segunda noite
Dia 03
Vale do Pati + Vale do Calixto + Capão
6h – 7h de caminhada
700 metros de desnível
O vale do Calixto apresenta uma densa floresta nativa e duas belas cachoeiras para banho e relaxamento. Presença do macaco Barbado (Bujio) que urra na densa floresta principalmente nas épocas de reprodução, de setembro a janeiro. Subimos na mata até alcançar os gerais num belo ponto de vista sobre a Baixa Funda (zona intangível do parque nacional) que aglomera as nascentes do rio Roncador e Ancorados. Seguimos para o norte até a Toca do Gaucho. O tal do Gaucho morou nesta toca nos anos 80 e procurava ouro nos gerais. Passamos pelo rio Ancorados e suas pedras alaranjadas, paradinha para descanso. Chegada no Capão no final da tarde, ufaaa, são 18h00 na Chapada Diamantina.
Dia opcional
Cachoeirão por cima
5h – 6h de caminhada
500 metros de desnível
Trilha de dificuldade média
Saímos da nossa hospedagem logo depois do café caprichado e pegamos a trilha em direção aos gerais do rio Preto. Subida forte de pouco mais de uma hora e meia para alcançar a bela paisagem da serra do Sincorà. A cidade de Mucugê fica naquele momento a dois dias de caminhada em direção ao sul ! mas nosso roteiro pega outro rumo, direção o vale do Cachoeirão passando por campos rupestres e densas florestas. O paredão de 200 metros onde chegamos oferece um visual magnifico até a subida do Império, podemos deliciar-nos de toda a extensão do vale do Cachoeirão e fazer um lanche na toca , pensando nos garimpeiros que ficaram por aqui no século passado. As quedas d’água dependem da chuva assim que é possível encontrar dezenas de cachoeiras ou somente uma ou duas. Voltamos a nossa hospedagem pelo mesmo caminho, chegando as 17h00 para um descanso merecido.
Dia opcional
Castelo do Pati
5 a 6 horas de caminhada
Desnível de 600 metros
Trilha difícil
Saímos da nossa hospedagem logo depois do café caprichado e pegamos a trilha em direção aos gerais do rio Preto. Subida forte de pouco mais de uma hora e meia para alcançar a bela paisagem da serra do Sincorà. A cidade de Mucugê fica naquele momento a dois dias de caminhada em direção ao sul ! mas nosso roteiro pega outro rumo, direção o vale do Cachoeirão passando por campos rupestres e densas florestas. O paredão de 200 metros onde chegamos oferece um visual magnifico até a subida do Império, podemos deliciar-nos de toda a extensão do vale do Cachoeirão e fazer um lanche na toca , pensando nos garimpeiros que ficaram por aqui no século passado. As quedas d’água dependem da chuva assim que é possível encontrar dezenas de cachoeiras ou somente uma ou duas. Voltamos a nossa hospedagem pelo mesmo caminho, chegando as 17h00 para um descanso merecido.
Lista de material para o trekking
A 3 days trekking tour to Pati Valley, central area of the National Park
A privileged natural environment within a secluded area inhabited by a few local people. The only access to the Valley is on foot
Natural forests and woodland in one of the oldest geological locations in the world
Contact with locals (native residents of the valley)
Note: this is a demanding trek and you need to be in good physical condition, having had walking experience. The itinerary can be adjusted according to changes in the weather. Starting point is Capão village (see arrival information in transportation section) where there the guide evaluates the tour party’s physical condition and checks equipment. Luggage can be stored at the agency. A list of equipment required will be sent when making the reservation.
Day 1
Capão Valley – high plains – Pati Valley
6 -7 hours trekking
Ascent and descent: 2300 feet
Depart the agency at 8am and travel by car towards the village of Bomba, the start of the trail to Pati valley. We soon encounter the high plains of Vieira, with its innumerable creeks. These vast areas were explored by gold miners and cattle ranchers for almost a hundred years. Time for a pit stop and a dip in the Crystal pond. The route follows the mule trails and provides a wonderful vista of the Pati mountain range in one of the most secluded area of the national park. We’ll see natural rock vegetation, carnivorous plants, altitude orchids and evergreen plants. If you’re lucky you might see a pair of eagles! We stay at a local resident’s house (rustic experience – no electricity but with comfy bed and clean bedsheets). Food is prepared by the cook using locally grown products and vegetables.
Day 2
Pati Valley- Funis waterfall – old city hall « Prefeitura »
4-5 hour trek
After a traditional breakfast we trek through Atlantic forest containing many typical« Jacaranda » and “Ipê” trees. The trail suddenly arrives at an incredible waterfall surrounded by enormous trees. Bromelia hang liberally from the trees creating a stunning rainforest scenario. We continue south, following the river until we bump into the old city hall of Pati, where we stop for a picnic by the river. Lodging at the house of another local, we watch the sun setting behind the Castelo mountain peak. Dinner is provided by our host.
Day 3
Pati valley – Calixto valley
6-7 hour trek
Ascent of 2300 feet
Early start to explore Castelo’s peak, the quartz fort that dominated the landscape the previous day. The trail becomes engulfed by humid rainforest where we hear the chants of « Arapongas », a white bird that we sense has been watching us for a while, as well as catch glimpses of the ruby-throated hummingbird, endemic to this region. Samambaia ferns and palm trees are ubiquitous in the valley whilst the Calixto waterfall cascades into a stunning natural bathing pool to both relax and take in this extraordinary setting. We then move on till we reach the high plains where we can see the whole panoramic mountain range. Amazing views appear before our eyes in the final hours of the trek that lead us back to Capão. Arrival time at the agency is 7pm.
Depending on climatic factors or the customer’s desire to return via a shorter, less strenuous circuit, the last day of the trek can be adapted as follows: Serra do Esbarrancado, Beco, Vila de Guiné. Return to Palmeiras or Capão by car. 4 to 5 hours’ walk.
Today, we cross the immense plateaus, admiring the western cordillera of the National Park, to the foot of the Esbarrancado Range, then pass through the Beco, which gives us access to the village of Guiné. Lunch stop on the banks of the Rio Preto. The agency car then takes the group back to Palmeiras or Capão (two hours and two and a half hours drive, respectively. (value to be defined at the agency)”.
Optional days/treks
It is possible to extend the Pati tour for one or two extra days. Here are the additional trekking options:
Optional trek 1: Cachoeirão from the top. 5 to 6 hours’ walk. Elevation gain 500 metres. Circuit of medium difficulty
After a hearty breakfast, we leave our homestay early in the morning and take the trail to the Rio Preto highlands. After a steep climb of just over an hour and a half, we reach the Serra du Sincorá and its magnificent landscape. The town of Mucugé is, at this point, a two-day walk to the south, but our tour heads in a different direction, towards the Cachoeirão valley, crossing an area of endemic rock vegetation and then dense forests. On arrival, the 200-metre abyss we overlook offers a magnificent view all the way to the Imperio rise and the Cachoeirão valley. We pause for a snack in a cave, thinking of the “garimpeiros” (diamond diggers) who stayed here in the last century. Waterfalls depend on rainfall, so it’s possible to find dozens of cascades or just one or two. We return to our accommodation by the same route, arriving around 5 p.m. for a well-deserved rest.
Optional trek 2: Morro do Castelo. 5 to 6 hours’ walk. Elevation gain 600 metres. Difficult circuit.
Formerly known as Morro da Lavrinha, this beautiful mountain dominates the Pati valley and separates the Calixto and Upper Pati rivers. Before starting the steep climb to the summit, we have to cross the river, which in summer can be so full that we have to turn back and cancel the trip. The trail climbs relentlessly up to the pass, crossing cliffs inhabited by armadillos and anteaters. At the summit, we can contemplate the entire extension of the Pati valley as far as the Igatu mountains. We pass through an unusual cavern and emerge on the other side of the mountain – an unforgettable experience. Magnificent bromeliads cling to the rock faces, providing an absolutely tropical backdrop. The return journey takes the same route and, on reaching the Pati valley, we are rewarded with a river bath.
Kit list for the trek
3 day trekking tour to Pati Valley
2 nights at local resident’s houses inside the National Park
355 €
6-8 people
375 €
for 3-5 people
439 €
2 people
Optional days/treks: €150 per day
Price includes:English speaking guide, 3-day trek; 2 nights in homestay accommodation with breakfast and dinner; 3 picnic lunches; Ecotrip accident insurance; two-way transfer between the village of Capão and the start of the trek. Note that luggage can be left at the agency during the trek.
It is requested that you arrive in Capão the day before the departure of the trek in order to undergo a briefing with your guide and run through safety procedures and national park guidelines. Price of accommodation at Pousada Tatu Feliz.
Introduction to Pati Valley: 2-day Trek
Note: This is a demanding trek and you need to be in good physical condition, having had walking experience. The itinerary can be adjusted according to changes in the weather. Starting point is Capão village (see arrival information in transportation section) where there the guide evaluates the tour party’s physical condition and checks equipment. Luggage can be stored at the agency. A list of equipment required will be sent when making the reservation.
Day 1
Capão Valley – Guiné village – Pati Valley
2 hours driving on a dirt road
5 hours trekking
Ascent/descent of 2000 feet
Leaving the agency at 8 am by car towards Guiné, on the west side of Introduction Chapada, we drive two hours along the mountain range of « Esbarrancado », a cliff-face that marks the natural boundary of the park. Arriving at Guiné we pick up the trail, which is the shortest route to the Pati Valley. We cross « Rio Preto » river where we stop for a snack. The water has a very particular colour due to the presence of organic tannins. There follows a very steep descent of the mountain trail to our host’s house, where we have some time to enjoy the incredible view before showers and evening meal. Dinner is prepared with vegetables, legumes and greens from the local garden.
Day 2
Pati Valley – Crossing High plains of Vieira – Capão Valley
6-7 hours trekking
Ascent/descent of 3000 feet
After breakfast full of local fruits (passion fruit, mangos, yucca…) we set off for the high plains, a 3-hour trek where we can enjoy one of the richest landscapes Chapada has to offer. After resting for a while at the Crystals waterfall we trek down the hill towards Capão village, arriving c. 7pm.
This tour enables you to get to know Pati Valley and involves an overnight stay. There is an option of the 3-day tour that allows us to become fully immersed in the extraordinary natural beauty of this place. However, this obviously depends on the time you have available, so the 2-day option takes you to the heart of the park within a short timeframe. Fitness is thus extremely important, as the second day involves some strenuous activity.
Extension: day trip to the Fumaça waterfall
4-5 hours trekking
A one-day trek to Fumaça waterfall of 4-5 hours. This beautiful walk on the high plains allows you to discover the incredible vegetation, orchids and carnivorous plants, and culminates in the amazing spectacle of Fumaça, the highest waterfall in Brazil. The 400-meter rock-face provides natural protection to the native woodland where palm trees predominate. At this point we stop to eat. We return to Capão at the end of the day passing the Riachinho waterfall on the road.
Kit list for the trek
Introduction to Pati Valley: 2-day Trek
1 night at a local resident’s house inside the National Park
265 €
6-8 people
270 €
for 3-5 people
335 €
2 people
Price includes: local transportation, English speaking guide, 1 night in homestay accommodation, accident insurance and meals (except dinner on day 2).
Possibility of arrival the morning of the departure (bus leaving at 23.00 from Salvador the previous day). Briefing on site.
Fumaça Waterfall
and Riachinho waterfall
70 €
6-8 peaple
80 €
3-5 people
105 €
2 people
Price includes: local transportation, English speaking guide, entrance fees on site, picnic lunche.
Discovering the Chapada Diamantina
Lençois, capital of the Chapada Diamantina attracts walkers from all over the world, welcoming them with its colonial architecture and evening entertainment. Serrano Caldeirões natural pools; Salão de Areias Coloridas; Ribeirão natural water-slide
The Fumaça waterfall, the highest freefalling waterfall in Brazil (400m)
Mosquito Waterfall, Pai Inácio mountain peak, Poço do Diabo and its lake, all emblematic of the Chapada Diamantina
Day 1
Lençois + Serrano Calderões natural pools + Salão de Areias Coloridas + Cachoeirinha / Primavera / Ribeirão do Meio
4 hours walk
Lençois, capital of the diamond-mining area known as “Lavras Diamantinas”: we stop to take in the cultural and historical aspects of the town, which was the world centre of diamond production at the beginning of the last century. However, the area surrounding Lençois also merits a visit on foot. The Caldeirões or Cauldrons of the Serrano were originally carpeted with diamonds but these days the area is more used to seeing people bathing in the water. We then visit the Salão de Areias Coloridas (Room of Coloured Sands) where rock formations deposit multi-coloured sands on the floor of the ‘rooms’ and then on to the Primavera waterfall, on the Rio Lençois. The small natural pool of Cachoeirinha with crystalline waters is hidden in the foothills of the Grisante Cordillera. Weather permitting we’ll follow the trail to the “Ribeirão do Meio” natural water-slide, a unique natural phenomenon of the river as it flows down the mountain slope. This leaves us just the end of the afternoon to explore the local craft shops and see precious stones and jewellery from the region. Lençois has a remarkably well-preserved 19th century architecture, which adds a special charm to this unique town. Overnight stay at the pousada.
Day 2
Tour of the region by car with easy walks: Mosquito Waterfall, Pai Inácio mountain peak and Poço do Diabo.
We drive across the northern part of the National Park towards the ‘fazenda’ where we find the Mosquito Waterfall. The place is a little wild but easily accessible, allowing you to take in the fantastic view. We can bask at the bottom of the 60m waterfall or swim in the river amidst the surrounding flora. Lunch is taken at one of the three sites. We then travel towards the Rio Mucugezinho and its famous Poço do Diabo (the well of Devil) that we discover after walking 25 minutes along the river and where it is possible to swim and cross the lake about fifty meters to reach the bottom of the waterfall, emotion for sure! Return to Lençois at the end of the afternoon after a detour to pass by the iconic picture-postcard image of the Chapada, the mountain of Pai Inácio.
Day 3
Fumaça Waterfall + Riachinho Waterfall
5 hours walk
Ascent/descent: 700m
Depart by car after breakfast to the Capão Valley and the Fumaça Waterfall (1h30 drive). This beautiful hike on the high plains allows you to discover the richness of the local flora, appreciate the tree ferns, orchids and insect-eating plants and finally reach the magnificent canyon of Fumaça, one of the most majestic landscapes in the world. The drop of 400 metres protects a primitive forest where edible palm trees predominate. The view is spectacular and we stop to enjoy a picnic. Return to Lençois at the end of the afternoon after passing by the Riachinho Waterfall to enjoy a nice cool dip in the water after the trek.
Discovering the Chapada Diamantina
3 days / 2 nights | Accommodation in Lençois
311 €
6-8 people
450 €
3-5 people
570 €
2 people
410 €
6-8 people
515 €
3-5 people
630 €
2 people
Option without accommodation
The agency vehicle picks you up at your hotel/pousada.
235 €
6-8 people
340 €
3-5 people
456 €
2 people
Option in 2 days / 1 night: (days 2 and 3)
210 €
6-8 people
280 €
3-5 people
390 €
2 people
Price includes: english speaking guide, two nights’ accommodation with breakfast, picnic at the Fumaça, lunch at the restaurant by the caves, excursions mentioned by car or on foot, entrance fees on sites, accident insurance. Excludes lunch on the first day as well as dinner and drinks.
Capão Valley is an ecological sanctuary situated between the National Park and the bohemian village of Caete Açu, a truly unique community
The Fumaça waterfall, the highest in Brazil (400m)
The former diamond-mining town of Lençois, Pai Inácio Mountain, and the Poço do Diabo. Rich history and surprisingly varied regional and international gastronomy
LThe high plains and hidden depths of the Chapada Diamantina National Park
Day 1
Capão valley + Fumaça waterfall
5 hours walk
Departing on a one-day trek to one of the most remarkable sites of the Chapada Diamantina, this beautiful walk on the high plains allows you to savour the beauty of the local flora, appreciate the tree ferns, orchids and insect-eating plants before arriving at the magnificent canyon of Fumaça, one of the most majestic landscapes in the world. The rockface with its 400m drop protects a natural woodland where palm trees predominate. Enjoy the spectacular view whilst having your picnic in tranquillity: arriving from nearby Capão means we will be among the first to experience this view, which attracts visitors from the whole region. Return to the pousada at the end of the afternoon after visiting the Riachinho waterfall for a nice relaxing dip after the trek.
Day 2
Tour of the region by car with easy walks: Pai Inácio peak, Poço do Diabo and Lençois town
An extensive tour that begins with a visit to the impressive “Poço do Diabo” and its colossal waterfall, having followed the river for a short walk at a place called Mucugezinho. We then go to the charming colonial town of Lençois, whose façades, faithfully restored in pastel tones, give an insight as to how the town might have looked in its heyday as the diamond capital. Lençois has always attracted artisans of quality who are passionate about their work and you can visit workshops and meet a variety of local artists, from potters to photographers. There are many excellent restaurants and grills offering regional dishes (using cactus, goat, fish stews…). We visit the nearby Serrano natural pools known as the ‘Caldeirões’, as well as the giant rocks that form the ‘Salão de Areias Coloridas’. Returning via Pai Inácio mountain we see the entire Sincorá mountain range: reports suggest that the Chapada Diamantina extends over 130km in length. Overnight stay at the pousada.
Day 3
Trekking the high plains + Crystals Waterfall + Angelica Waterfall
4-5 hours walk
After breakfast we head off to Bomba, the last village at the top of the valley, where local people sell mangos and freshly made sugar cane juice. We then climb to the high plain with its vast natural reserve of fauna and flora: orchids and bromelias thrive whilst the surrounding mountains offer a refuge for pumas (sussuarana). We can also see the mountains of Pati which is home the last group of human settlers that still live within the National Park. After a picnic on the plains by the Ancorado riverbank with its red and gold reflections, the Tour continues to the Crystals Waterfall, a former refuge for hunters. At the end of the day we can swim in the “Poço Angelica”, where we will undoubtedly meet some walkers who stayed in and around Capão. Return to the pousada at the end of the afternoon. Note: possibility of a return bus to Salvador at 10.30 pm.
Discovering the Chapada Diamantina
3 days / 2 nights | Accommodation in Capão
317 €
6-8 people
390 €
3-5 people
420 €
2 people
430 €
6-8 people
500 €
3-5 people
535 €
2 people
Price includes: English speaking guide, two nights’ accommodation with breakfast, 2 picnic lunches for day 1 and 3, lunch at restaurant on the second day, excursions mentioned by car or on foot, entrance fees on sites, accident insurance. Excludes dinner and drinks.
Crossing the valley from Lençois to Vale do Capão – 2 days / 1 night
The Lençois-Capão valley crossing, a trek into the historical heartland of the National Park, flanked by the great Morrão mountain, the crystalline monolith which dominates the region
The Fumaça Waterfall from Capão, with a guarantee to arrive there without any other visitors
The Riachinho Waterfall, the true pleasure of swimming and relaxation after the Fumaça trek
The Capão Valley with accommodation in the village of Caete-Açu, an enchanting, artistic community and a snapshot of bohemian Brazil
Day 1
Trekking Lençois – Capão
- 6-7 hours walk
- Climb: 600m
This trek follows the legendary trail used in the 19th century by convoys of “tropeiros” with their caravans and mule trains which led to the expansion of Lençois. The search for diamonds produced stone canals and “tocas/caves” where people sheltered from pumas as well as storms. The environment changes constantly from the humid forest to the turbulent Ribeirão river which flows at the foot of the mighty Morrão, guardian of Chapada’s buried wealth… A journey on foot into the most impressive part of the Chapada we have encountered thus far, we arrive in the Capão Valley at the end of the day (altitude 1000m). Picnic during the day; car on arrival to take you to your pousada in the valley and an overnight stay at Caeté-Açu.
Day 2
Fumaça + Riachinho Waterfalls
- 4 hour walk
- Climb: 300m
- Return to Lençois at end of day
A single day trek to one of the most remarkable sites in the Chapada Diamantina. This beautiful walk on the high plains allows you to explore the rich local flora, appreciate the tree ferns, orchids and insect-eating plants before finally reaching the magnificent canyon of Fumaça, one of the most majestic landscapes in the world. The rock face with its 400m precipice protects natural woodland where edible palm trees predominate. We picnic next to this spectacular vista. Arriving from nearby Capão means we will be among the first to experience this panoramic view, which attracts visitors from the whole region. At the end of the afternoon we stop at Riachinho for a well-deserved post-trek dip in the waterfall. Evening is free for you to enjoy one of the many restaurants of the village. Return to Lençois.
Kit: a small backpack (20 L) will be enough for your personal belongings and a picnic
Crossing the valley from Lençois to Capão
2 days / 1 night
Accommodation in Capão – Pousada Tatu Feliz
250 €
6-8 people
275 €
3-5 people
300 €
2 people
Price includes: English speaking guide, internal transportation, picnic lunch on both days, accident insurance, 1 night in Capão and return to Lençois by shared taxi + bus.
Chapada tour and Diogo beach – 6 days / 5 nights
Choose one of three tour options in the Chapada followed by a trip to an exclusive beach flanked by coconut trees, without losing time
After the physical demands of trekking the Chapada, a chance to chill-out by the sea with optional activities
Transport between the two tours is included in the price; breakfast on arrival at the beach with immediate access to your chalet
Days 1 to 3
See description of your tour in the Chapada Diamantina.
Day 3
Return from your tour of the day at around 6.30pm. In the case of the trek to Pati or the Discovery Tour based in Capão you will receive your tickets for the minibus to Palmeiras at 20.30 and for the bus to Salvador at 22.30. In the case of the Discovery Tour based in Lençois you receive your bus tickets for Salvador at 23.30. Overnight bus journey.
Day 4
Arrive Salvador bus station c. 6.30am. A private taxi will take you directly to Diogo, 80 km north of Salvador on the Estrada do Coco (Coconut road). A welcome breakfast awaits you at the pousada and you can access your chalet immediately.
Too Cool na Bahia and Diogo beach: chosen for its charm, this unique location is surrounded by coconut trees, amazing sand dunes and the Imbassaí river where we can swim after the beach… but that’s not all! Diogo is situated in one of the very few sections of the Bahian coast that has not been adversely affected by tourism. The village of Diogo is a genuine Bahian village with its bars and small locally owned restaurants. Whilst the pousada is not located on the beach the 25-minute walk to get there takes you through a wonderful series of sand dunes that has long been a protected nature reserve. For this reason the beach is often deserted, visited only by a few surfers. The sea turtles come to lay their eggs there and in the morning we can see their tracks on the sand. If you feel more social, in 10 minutes we can be at one of the beach huts where customers are generally local and we can order seafood or a ‘moqueca de peixe’. We can even walk to the village of Imbassaí along the seashore, an hour and half of pure pleasure. The pousada offers various activities such as river kayaking, surfing or a visit to the Tamar turtle protection centre at Praia do Forte, 20 km away. In the nearby village of Santo Antônio there is a centre for handicrafts and one of the best restaurants in the area, the “Sombra da Mangueira” (‘Shade of the Mango Tree’).
Days 5 to 6
Make the most of this privileged location! You can organize your return to Salvador or directly to the airport from the pousada.
Chapada Tour and Diogo Beach
6 days / 5 nights
Accommodation in Chapada + Toocool
720 €
6-8 people
780 €
3-5 people
934 €
2 people
Price includes: Chapada Tour + bus tickets Between Chapada and Salvador, taxi between Salvador and Diogo and 2 nights at the Pousada Too Cool.
Trek itinérant dans la vallée du Pati – Grande Randonnée
Un environnement naturel privilégié dans une zone isolée du parc national uniquement accessible à pied
La forêt primitive d´un des sites géologiques les plus anciens au monde
Le contact avec la population originelle du parc
Ce trek demande une bonne condition physique et la pratique de la marche. L´itinéraire pourra être adapté en fonction des conditions climatiques. Le point de départ du trek est le village de Capão, voir comment s´y rendre dans le chapitre “Transports”.La participation aux treks inclut une évaluation par le guide, la veille du trek, de la condition physique et des équipements de chacun ainsi qu´une présentation des règles à respecter dans le parc. Vos bagages pourront être laissés à l’agence pendant le trek.Une liste du matériel nécessaire vous sera communiquée lors de votre inscription.
Jour 1
Vallée du Capão+ Hauts plateaux + Vallée du Pati
6 à 7 heures de marche
Dénivelé de 600m
Départ de l’agence à 8 h en véhicule jusqu’au village du Bomba, début du sentier de la vallée du Pati. Traversée des hauts-plateaux du Vieira parcourus par de nombreuses rivières. Ces immenses étendues ont été exploitées par les chercheurs d’or et les éleveurs de bétail pendant près d’un siècle. Pique-nique et baignade dans la cacade des Cristaux. Le circuit suit la voie des muletiers qui offre un point de vue spectaculaire sur l’ensemble des massifs du Pati, une des zones les plus isolées du Parc Naturel. Végétation rupestre endémique, plantes carnivores, orchidées d’altitude et immortelles (paepalanthus). Quelques couples de rapaces “Gavião pé de serra” fréquentent ces hauteurs. Hébergement chez l’habitant, sans électricité, chambres rustiques avec lits et draps. Nourriture préparée par la cuisinière locale avec les ingrédients du jardin.
Jour 2
Vallée du Pati + Cascade du Funis + Ancienne mairie du Pati + Rio du Pati
4 à 5 heures de marche
Après le petit déjeuner aux couleurs locales, nous traversons une zone de forêt dense de jacarandas et d´ipês, essences caractéristiques de la forêt atlantique. Le sentier débouche soudain sur une cascade de rêve cernée de grands arbres. Les bromélias s’accrochent aux arbres centenaires comme un décor de théatre amazonien. Nous descendons ensuite vers le sud de la vallée pour atteindre l´ancienne mairie, en bordure du rio Pati. Pique-nique en bord de rivière, hébergement chez les habitants de ce micro village perdu au beau milieu du parc naturel. Fin d´après-midi en face du Castelo, les derniers rayons du soleil illuminent les contreforts de ce “chateau” naturel. Dîner chez nos hôtes.
Jour 3
Vallée du Pati + Vallée du Calixto
6 à 7 heures de marche
Dénivelé de 700m
Ce matin nous démarrons de bonne heure pour contourner le “Castelo”, cette forteresse de quartz qui nous domine depuis la veille. Le sentier pénètre dans la forêt humide où nous entendons les chants stridents des arapongas, l´oiseau blanc qui semble nous observer au long du chemin. Le colibri à cravate rouge, endémique de cette région est observable aux alentours. Les fougères arborescentes et les palmiers parsèment la vallée. La cascade du Calixto tombe dans une belle piscine naturelle, baignade et détente dans ce cadre époustouflant. Nous atteignons ensuite les hauts plateaux d´où l´on découvre l´ensemble des cordillères environnantes, les grands espaces s´offrent à nos yeux pour quelques heures de marche qui nous ramènent vers la vallée du Capão. Arrivée à l’agence vers 19h.
En fonction de facteurs climatiques ou du désir du client de revenir par un circuit plus court et moins fatigant, le dernier jour du trekking peut être adapté ainsi: Serra do Esbarrancado, Beco, Vila de Guiné. Retour à Palmeiras ou au Capão en voiture. 4 à 5 heures de marche.
Aujourd´hui, nous traversons les immenses plateaux, en admirant la cordillère Ouest du Parc National, jusqu´aux pieds de la Chaîne du Esbarrancado puis nous passons par le Beco qui nous donne accès au village de Guiné. Arrêt casse-croute au bord du Rio Preto. Puis, la voiture de l´agence ramène le groupe jusqu`à Palmeiras ou Capão (deux heures et deux heures et demie de route, respectivement. (valeur à definir à l´agence)
Jours/treks optionnels
Il est possible d´étendre le circuit au Pati pour un ou deux jours de plus. Voici les options de treks supplémentaires:
Trek optionnel 1: Cachoeirão par le haut. 5 à 6 heures de marche. Dénivelé de 500 mètres. Circuit de difficulté moyenne
Nous quittons notre hébergement chez l´habitant, tôt le matin, après un petit-déjeuner copieux et nous prenons le sentier menant aux hauts plateaux du Rio Preto. Après une forte montée d´un peu plus d´une heure et demie, nous atteignons la Serra du Sincorá et son paysage magnifique. La ville de Mucugé est, à ce moment-là, à deux jours de marche vers le Sud, mais notre circuit part dans une autre direction, vers la vallée du Cachoeirão, en traversant une zone de végétation rupestre endémique, puis des forêts denses. À l´arrivée, l´abîme de 200 mètres que nous surplombons offre une vue magnifique jusqu´à la montée de l´Imperio et la vallée du Cachoeirão. Nous faisons une pause-goûter dans une grotte, en pensant aux “garimpeiros” (chercheurs de diamants) qui ont séjourné ici au siècle dernier. Les chutes d´eau dépendent des précipitations, il est donc possible de trouver des dizaines de cascades ou seulement une ou deux. Nous revenons à notre hébergement par le même chemin, arrivant vers 17 heures pour un repos bien mérité.
Trek optionnel 2: Morro do Castelo. 5 à 6 heures de marche. Dénivelé de 600 mètres. Circuit difficile.
Autrefois dénommée Morro da Lavrinha, cette belle montagne domine la vallée du Pati et sépare la rivière du Calixto de celle du Pati du Haut. Avant d´entamer la montée raide vers le sommet, il nous faut traverser la rivière qui, en été, peut être si pleine qu´il faut rebrousser chemin et annuler l´excursion. Le sentier monte impitoyablement jusqu´au col, traversant des falaises où vivent des tatous et des fourmillers. Arrivés au sommet, nous pouvons contempler toute l´extension de la vallée du Pati jusqu´aux montagnes d´Igatu. Nous traversons une caverne insolite et en ressortons de l´autre côté du mont, une expérience inoubliable. De magnifiques bromélias s´accrochent aux parois rocheuses, offrant um décor absolument tropical. Le retour se fait par le même chemin et, en arrivant dans la vallée du Pati, nous sommes récompensés par un bain de rivière.
Liste de matériel pour le trek
Trek itinérant de 3 jours vallée du Pati – Grande Randonnée
Hébergement 2 nuits chez l´habitant dans le parc naturel
355 €
6 à 8 personnes
375 €
3 à 5 personnes
439 €
2 personnes
Jours/treks optionnels: 150€ par jour
Tarif incluant: Guide francophone ou anglophone, 3 jours de randonnée, 2 nuits chez l’habitant avec petit déjeuner et dîner, 3 pique-niques, assurance accident Ecotrip, les deux transferts du circuit entre le village de Capão et le départ du trek, aller et retour. Vos bagages de voyage pourront être laissés à l´agence pendant le trek.
ll est demandé d´arriver à Capão la veille du départ en trek pour la réunion préparatoire avec votre guide, ceci pour des raisons de sécurité et de norme du parc national. Tarif de l´hébergement à la pousada Tatu Feliz.
Introduction au Pati: mini-trek en deux jours
Ce trek demande une bonne condition physique et la pratique de la marche. L´itinéraire pourra être adapté en fonction des conditions climatiques. Le point de départ du trek est le village de Capão, voir comment s´y rendre dans le chapitre “Transports”.La participation aux treks inclut une évaluation par le guide, la veille du trek, de la condition physique et des équipements de chacun ainsi qu´une présentation des règles à respecter dans le parc. Vos bagages pourront être laissés à l’agence pendant le trek.Une liste du matériel nécessaire vous sera communiquée lors de votre inscription.
Jour 1
Vallée du Capão + village de Guiné + vallée du Pati
2 heures de piste en voiture
5 heures de marche
Dénivelé de 400 mètres
Départ de l´agence à 8h00 en véhicule pour rejoindre le village de Guiné situé sur la bordure ouest du parc national, deux heures de piste le long de la cordillère de l ´Esbarrancado, une falaise pratiquement continue qui marque la frontière naturelle du parc. Arrivés à Guiné nous prenons le sentier qui est l´accés le plus court à la vallée du Pati. Traversée du rio Preto oú nous prenons le temps d´un casse croute au bord de l´eau rendue orange par les tanins organiques. Descente vertigineuse dans la vallée isolée du Pati oú nous arrivons vers 17h00 chez nos hôtes. Nous prenons le temps d´apprécier l´exhubérance de ce cadre exceptionnel avant la douche (froide!). Dîner préparé avec les produits du jardin et beaucoup de goût, tout est garanti bio…
Jour 2
Vallée du Pati + traversée des hauts plateaux du Vieira + vallée du Capão
6 à 7 heures de marche
Dénivelé de 700 mètres
Aprés le petit déjeuner aux saveurs tropicales (fruits de la passion, mangues, manioc…) nous remontons vers les plateaux (les fameuses chapadas) où nous pourrons pendant trois heures de marche sans obstacle savourer le plus riche des spectacles du parc naturel, l’extension infinie des ondulations du Vieira qui nous ramène vers la vallée du Capão. Après une pause repos à la cascade des cristaux nous descendons vers le village de Capão que nous atteignons vers 19h00.
Ce circuit en deux jours permet de connaître la vallée du Pati en y passant une nuit, on lui préferera si on dispose du temps suffisant le trek en trois jours qui permet de s´imprégner de l´ambiance extraordinaire de ce lieu. Cependant les contraintes de temps lors d´un voyage peuvent vous orienter vers cette solution, vous aurez ainsi la possibilité de pénétrer au coeur du parc dans un délai trés court. Une bonne condition physique est également nécessaire car le deuxième jour demande un effort soutenu.
Extension: excursion à la journée à la cascade de la Fumaça
4/5 heures de marche
Cette belle randonnée sur les hauts plateaux permet de découvrir la richesse de la flore locale, d´apprécier les fougères arborescentes, les orchidées et les plantes insectivores pour enfin atteindre le magnifique canyon de la Fumaça, la plus haute cascade du Brésil. L’abîme de 400 mètres protège une forêt primitive où dominent les palmiers comestibles (Euterpe edulis). Pique-nique sur place. Retour en fin d’après midi au village aprés un crochet détente et baignade à la cascade du Riachinho.
Liste de matèriel pour le trek
Introduction au Pati : mini-trek en deux jours
Une nuit chez l´habitant
265 €
6 à 8 personnes
270 €
3 à 5 personnes
335 €
2 personnes
Tarif incluant: Arrivée possible le matin du départ (bus de 23h00 la veille au départ de Salvador). Briefing sur place. Tarif incluant les transports locaux, guide bi-lingue francophone ou anglophone, une nuit d´hebergement, assurance accident, les repas hors dîner jour 2.
Circuit en étoile “Découverte de la Chapada”
Lençois, capitale de la Chapada Diamantina rassemble les trekkeurs du monde entier dans son architecture coloniale et ses soirées animées. Marmites aquatiques du Serrano, salon des sables, tobogan du Ribeirão.
Cascade de la Fumaça, la plus grande chute libre du Brésil (400 m)
La cascade du Mosquito, le mont du Pai Inácio, le sîte du Poço do Diabo et son lac, les symboles de la Chapada Diamantina
Jour 1
Lençois + marmites du Serrano + salon des sables + cachoeirinha + primavera + Ribeirao do meio
4 heures de marche
Lençois, capitale des “Lavras Diamantinas – Les Mines de Diamants”. Découverte des aspects hitoriques et culturels de la ville qui fut le pôle mondial de production de diamant au début du siècle passé. Les alentours de Lençois méritent un beau circuit à pied. Les “marmites” du Serrano étaient tapissées de diamants, on s´y baigne aujourd´hui. Nous allons ensuite vers le salon des sables, belles cavernes de sables multicolores et la cascade de la Primavera, sur le rio Lençois. La petite piscine naturelle de la cachoeirinha aux eaux cristallines se cache dans les contreforts de la serra du Grisante. Si le temps le permet nous prenons le sentier vers le toboggan d´eau douce du “Ribeirão do meio”, attraction privilégiée sur la grande rivière à son débouché de la montagne. Fin d´aprés midi pour découvrir les boutiques d´artisanat, de bijoux et pierres précieuses régionale. Une architecture remarquable fait le charme de cette ville tropicale aux accents du 19 ème. . Nuit en pousada.
Jour 2
Circuit régional en voiture avec marches faciles : la cascade du Mosquito, le mont du Pai Inacio et le Poço do Diabo
Nous démarrons la journée en traversant la zone nord du parc national, 15 km de route puis une dizaine de piste pour atteindre la « fazenda » où se trouve la cascade du Mosquito. Le cadre est sauvage et l’accès aménagé permet de très beaux points de vue sur le site. On pourra se prélasser au pied de la cascade de 60 Mts en admirant la flore environnante. Le repas de midi est pris sur l’un des trois sites visités. Nous irons ensuite vers le rio Mucugezinho et son fameux Poço do Diabo (le puits du diable) que nous découvrons après avoir marché 25 minutes le long de la rivière. On peut nager et traverser le lac d’une cinquantaine de mètres pour atteindre le pied de la cascade, émotion garantie ! Retour à Lençois en fin d’après-midi après un détour par l’icône de la Chapada, le mont du Pai Inacio d’où l’on peut admirer l’ensemble des massifs formant la Chapada.
Jour 3
Cascade de la Fumaça + cascade du Riachinho
4 heures de marche
Dénivelé de 700m
Départ en voiture (1h30) après le petit déjeuner vers la vallée du Capão et la cascade de la Fumaça. Deux heures de randonnée sur les hauts plateaux permettent de découvrir la richesse de la flore locale, d´apprécier les fougères arborescentes, les orchidées et les plantes insectivores puis enfin découvrir le magnifique canyon de la Fumaça, un des plus majestueux paysages du monde. L’abîme de 400 mètres protège une forêt primitive où dominent les “palmitos”. Pique-nique sur place. Retour en fin d’après midi à Lençois en passant par la cascade du Riachinho, une baignade-détente bien agréable aprés la randonnée.Retour vers Lençois en fin d’après midi.
Circuit en étoile “Découverte de la Chapada”
3 jours sur place / 2 nuits | Hébergement à Lençois
311 €
6 à 8 personnes
450 €
3 à 5 personnes
570 €
2 personnes
410 €
6 à 8 personnes
515 €
3 à 5 personnes
630 €
2 personnes
Option sans hébergement
La voiture de l´agence passe alors vous prendre à l´hotel de votre choix
235 €
6 à 8 personnes
340 €
3 à 5 personnes
456 €
2 personnes
Option 2 jours /1 nuit (jours 2 et 3)
210 €
6 à 8 personnes
280 €
3 à 5 personnes
390 €
2 personnes
Tarif incluant: guide francophone ou anglophone, deux nuits d´hébergement avec petit déjeuner, pique-nique pour la Fumaça; déjeuner au restaurant dans le cas des grottes. , les excursions mentionnées en voiture ou à pied, les taxes d´entrée sur les sites. Dîners et boissons exclus, pas de déjeuner le premier jour.
La vallée du Capão, un sanctuaire écologique niché au milieu du parc et le village de Caete-Açu, authentique et extrèmement original
Cascade de la Fumaça, la plus grande chute libre du Brésil (400 m)
La ville de Lençois, le mont du Pai Inácio et le poço do Diabo. Les témoignages de l’épopée du diamant, la gastronomie régionale
Les hauts plateaux et l’intérieur du Parc National de la Chapada Diamantina
Jour 1
La vallée du Capão + cascade de la Fumaça
5 heures de marche
Départ pour une journée de marche vers l’un des sites les plus remarquables de la Chapada Diamantina. Cette belle randonnée sur les hauts plateaux permet de découvrir la richesse de la flore locale, d´apprécier les fougères arborescentes, les orchidées et les plantes insectivores pour enfin atteindre le magnifique canyon de la Fumaça. L’abîme de 400 mètres protège une forêt primitive où dominent les palmiers comestibles, le point de vue est exceptionnel. Pique-nique sur place. Étant partis de Capão nous serons certainement les premiers sur ce sîte qui attire des visiteurs de toute la région. Retour en fin d’après midi à la pousada.
Jour 2
Circuit régional en voiture avec marches faciles : mont du Pai Inácio, poço do Diabo et ville de Lençois
Grande ballade régionale passant d´abord par le remarquable “poço do Diabo” et sa cascade monumentale que nous atteignons aprés avoir suivi le cours de la rivère sur un petit quilomètre au lieu dit Mucugezinho. Nous allons ensuite jusqu´à la très charmante ville coloniale de Lençois. Les façades heureusement restaurées aux tons pastels restituent ce qu’ a pu être la capitale du diamant au siècle dernier. Visite aux artisans et artistes locaux, du céramiste au photographe. Lençois a su attirer la qualité et souvent la passion. Repas dans un excellent restaurant de grillades et de plats régionaux (cactus, chevreau, moqueca…). Nous allons visiter les marmites du Serrano ainsi que le salon des sables. Retour par le mont du Pai Inácio d’où l’on découvre l’ensemble de la cordillière du Sincorá, on prend alors la dimension de cette région et se son parc qui s´étend sur 130km de long. Nuit à la pousada.
Jour 3
Randonnée sur les hauts Plateaux + cascade des cristaux + cascade Angelica
4 à 5 heures de marche
Après le petit déjeuner, en route vers le dernier village du haut de la vallée, Bomba, oú des paysans offrent un jus de canne à sucre fait sous nos yeux ou des mangues fraîches. Nous montons ensuite vers les hauts plateaux, immenses réserves naturelles de faune et flore. Les orquidées et bromélias ont trouvé ici un terrain privilégié. Les montagnes alentours offrent un refuge pour les pumas beiges (sussuarana) et l’on découvre les massifs du Pati qui abritent la dernière communauté totalement isolée du Parc Naturel. Pique-nique sur les plateaux au bord de la rivière Ancorado qui surprend avec ses reflets rouge et or. Notre circuit sur ces hauteurs nous emmène ensuite à la cascade des cristaux, ancien refuge de chasseurs. En fin de journée baignade dans le “poço Angelica”, oú l´on rencontrera certainement des promeneurs restés aux alentours de Capão. Retour à la pousada en fin d’après midi. Possibilité de bus retour pour Salvador à 22h30.
Circuit en étoile “Découverte de la Chapada”
3 jours sur place / 2 nuits | Hébergement à Capão
317 €
6 à 8 personnes
390 €
3 à 5 personnes
420 €
2 personnes
430 €
6 à 8 personnes
500 €
3 à 5 personnes
535 €
2 personnes
Tarif incluant: guide francophone ou anglophone, deux nuits d’hébergement avec petit déjeuner, pique-nique les premier et dernier jours; déjeuner au restaurant le deuxième jour, les excursions mentionnées en voiture ou à pied, les taxes d’entrée sur les sites. Dîners et boissons exclus.